
My niece joined the family on July 12th, 2010. This special young lady's mother is my younger sister, which in classic Chinese culture makes me her Jiu Jiu (舅舅) -- thus the title of this blog. Here I intend to semi-regularly post reflections, thoughts, stories, and assorted whathaveyous pertaining to our trip to China, adoption in general, and (mostly) watching my niece grow up. Since the web is a very public place, I will attempt to maintain my family's privacy while telling the story... but I invite you to follow the blog and come along for the adventure!

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Just A Couple of Quick Notes

 It's been quite a while, and a lot's been going on, but I can't really do a big catch-up entry right now.

Things are progressing slowly... oh so slowly... and we're still dealing with the ridiculous bills along with both Miriam and I coming down with the flu.  (We're 95% sure I didn't "come down with it" so much as "catch it from my niece" but she's finally stopped apologizing and I really don't care where it came from, just that it leaves.)

The Pipsqueak's finally run into a class that, no matter how hard she kicks it, insists on kicking back even harder: Geometry.  Ask her to rattle off complex quadratic equations, or the history of the American Revolution, or pick up a new tune on her flute or new choreography in dance, and hands down she'll be done before you're done asking.  Ask her to deal with triangles and planes and translations and such... well, she will do her absolute best but somehow she just doesn't grok it the way she usually groks math. (It don't help none that the majority of friends & classmates keep telling her how easy Geometry is for them.)

So... much to my niece's disgust, when report cards came out a few days ago, she "only" has a 3.86 average (on a scale of 4.0 being perfect, for those in other school systems).  Me?  I managed to hang onto a 3.25 in high school by the skin of my teeth, so I've joined the chorus of family members reminding Niecy-poo that as long as she's really trying and doing the best she can, then it's definitely good enough for us.  One of these days she might believe us, but... well we keep trying to convince her.

Anyway, as if to prove our point, guess whose name was announced as Student of the Quarter for 8th grade today?

This kid never ceases to amaze me, or make my heart swell with pride.  She's always giving 110% and still manages to be a loving, empathic, supportive family member & friend.

And now if you'll excuse me, I have to hunt down another box of facial tissues... I'll update more soon. Stay healthy out there!

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