
My niece joined the family on July 12th, 2010. This special young lady's mother is my younger sister, which in classic Chinese culture makes me her Jiu Jiu (舅舅) -- thus the title of this blog. Here I intend to semi-regularly post reflections, thoughts, stories, and assorted whathaveyous pertaining to our trip to China, adoption in general, and (mostly) watching my niece grow up. Since the web is a very public place, I will attempt to maintain my family's privacy while telling the story... but I invite you to follow the blog and come along for the adventure!

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Would Someone Please Just Make It Stop?

 O-kay... The dance studio's big holiday recital/show was this past weekend, and Miri was in 11 of the 30 numbers.  Yeah, almost half the show -- how crazy is that?  In one of the numbers, she and one of the other older girls were sort of guiding/helping/herding some of the youngest through a ballet number (very cute!), and in another she was the swing and had to take the place of one of her friends whose family had apparently forgotten about the show, made other plans, and gone out of town.   It sounds horrible, but the Pipsqueak had conscientiously attended every. single. rehearsal.  even though she was just a swing, so the number came off without a hitch.  In fact, all her numbers (all groups of 4 or larger) turned out really well.  Some friends of ours from our adoption group came -- they haven't had a chance to see Miriam dance since the whole pandemic mess started -- and said they were really, really impressed with how much she's developed as a dancer in the interim and how good she looked onstage.  We were also joined by one of Mom & Dad's neighbors -- one of very few remaining in the neighborhood who moved in around the same time back in 1970 -- and after repeating how good Miriam looked, she added, "She dances well above her age."  (I've said that my niece has been "punching up" in many ways since birth, and this isn't the first time someone who's not heard me say that has made some kind of statement to the same effect.)

For the past two weeks, Miri has been going to physical therapy twice a week to help heal & strengthen the ankle that gave way in gym class a little while back.  Not only is she doing really well physically, she's actually having fun during the PT sessions and is making sure she does all the assigned exercises at home.

The real icing on the cupcake came tonight... I had taken Mom shopping and just moments before we got back to the house Miriam called to tell us she's been accepted into the National Junior Honor Society!  She was so happy that she kept giggling through the call... she's worked really hard in school and there've been a few grumbles about no one really recognizing how much time & effort she puts in, so this is A Big Thing for her.

So what is it that I want to make stop?

My "trusty" camera's been acting up most of the year, and I had so much trouble with it at the recital that I've decided I have to bite the bullet & replace it. At first it wouldn't turn on at all until I'd done two battery swaps; the zoom refused to work at all until it suddenly did after about 20 minutes of my trying to use it; several times the camera would stop recording video and switch to photo mode if I touched the zoom switch; lines of the in-camera leveling display were not only not parallel to each other, it turned out that none of them was parallel to the floor, either; the automatic exposure sometimes worked and sometimes didn't; and plenty more.  Now all I have to do is come up with money I don't have to replace the camera...

 But wait, there's more...

One of the  girls in the small group dance where Miriam filled in for a friend who was out of town was annoyed with her for "taking away" the original girl's position (this number happens to be one of several in the show that the team will be presenting in competition in the coming months). This despite Miri being the official "swing" for the group, despite both the team coach & studio owner placing her in the group to fill the blank spot, and despite Miri repeatedly saying it was only for this one performance, she has no desire or intention to take the slot away from her friend, and that as the official swing it was actually her job to dance in that performance so no one had to worry about changing the placement, choreograpy, etc. at literally the last second.

But wait, there's more...

Even better, the friend whose spot Miri danced -- you know, the one who was out of town -- has apparently been annoyed as well, despite not having been available for this one performance.

But wait, there's more...

While all this other "outside" good stuff was going on, the company we've been using to provide in-home aides to give Mom at least a few hours of breathing space each week has suddenly "gone corporate" -- new answering system on the phones that makes reaching a human impossible, no one returning calls or providing promised feedback, the one person in management that Mom had become friendly with changed to a new position in management and no longer answers her cell phone outside specific hours on specific days, and the latest invoice has some really weird stuff going on that we need an explanation for pronto to avoid problems with the insurance company.

But wait. there's MORE...

Late this evening (technically last night, since it's well past midnight now), AJ got notice that one of the girls in one of Miri's dance classes just got back positive results on a COVID test so she & Miri are going to have to scramble to get a rapid test done. On a Saturday morning. During a surge in local cases.

Would someone please just make it stop...?

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